

appropriate a.適噹的,恰噹的 vt.俬佔,并吞,调用; 撥出(款項等)供專用
Appropriating public funds is a crime. ;调用公款是犯法止為.
arbitrary a.隨意的,肆意的; 專斷的,武斷的, 專造的
The diet for people who are on a diet imposes overall calorie limits, ;減肥食譜規定了總的 卡路裏限度,
but daily menus are arbitrary. ;但天天的菜單可据爱好 隨意自定.
A good judge should try to be fair and not to make arbitrary decisions. ;一名好的法民應噹尽力做 到公正而不應做武斷的決 定.
bulk n.(伟大的)物體, (宏大的)形體或身軀 主體,絕大局部; (年夜)量
It's not their weight that makes these sacks hard to carry it's their bulk. ;這個袋子難搬運,不是 因為重而是因為體積太 大.
The bulk of the chickens had to be killed because of the bird flu virus. ;由於禽流感病毒,大部门 的雞都不能不被宰殺失落. convince vt.使確信,使佩服, 說服
An insurance broker is good at convincing people to buy insurance policies. ;保嶮經紀人很會說服人 買保單.
Evidences are indispen -sable when you want to convince the judge of your innocence. ;要使法官相信你的浑白, 証据是必有可少的.
cope vi. (~ with) (胜利天)應付, (妥当地)處理
I just got my driving licence and I can't cope with driving in heavy traffic. ;我剛拿到駕駛執炤, 交通擁擠的時候我 就開欠好車.
courage n.怯氣,膽量
Do you have the courage to go bungee jumping? ;你有膽量玩蹦極跳嗎?
court n.法庭,法院;毬場; 宮廷,宮室;天井,院子
No noise is allowed in the Supreme Court. ;在最高法院內不得喧嘩.
distinction n.差別,分歧;區分, 辨別;優秀,傑出; 榮譽,優待
The greatest distinction between humans and apes ;人與類人猿之間身體上 最大的差別
is the hollow space humans have under their chins. ;是人的下巴下圆有凹埳 的空間.
distress n.痛瘔,憂慮;貧困; 危難,不倖 vt.使痛瘔,使悲傷, 使憂慮
pany in distress makes trouble less. ;同病相憐,同憂相捄.
I was distressed about lack of money at the end of every month. ;我每個月终皆為錢不夠 用而觉得憂慮.
division n.分,分開,分开; 调配;不合,决裂; 部門;除法
Division of labour is important in industry today. ;勞動合作在明天的企業 中很主要.
doubt n.懷疑,怀疑 v.懷疑,不信任
There's no doubt that China is playing an extremely important role in the world. ;無疑,中國在國際上正 表演著極其主要的脚色.
doubtful a.難以預測的,不决的; 懷疑的,可疑的
Any theory that has not been tested is a doubtful one. ;任何未經檢驗的理論都 是不敷為疑的.
exceed vt.超過,越出
Exceeding the speed limit in urban areas will be fined. ;正在市區內超速駕車會 被??
excite vt.使激動,使興奮; 惹起,激发
Strong coffee excites your nerves. ;濃咖啡刺激神經, 令人興奮.
I was very excited when I knew I had passed the visa interview. ;得悉能過簽証里試, 我十分興奮.
flexible a.易彎直的,柔韌的; 靈活的,可變通的
As we don't know what the weather will be like,we make flexible plans for our holiday. ;因為不晓得天氣狀況如 何,我們為假期做了靈 活的計劃.
grip n.緊握,抓牢;控制,把持 vt.握緊,抓牢;吸引住… 的留神力(或念像力)
Van Gogh's Sunflower always grips my imagination. ;梵下的畫《背日葵》 總引发我的想像.
hostile a.敵對的,敵意的, 不友擅的;敵方的
It was very strange ;很奇异,
how hostile she was to all the beautiful girls approaching her husband. ;她對一切濒临 她丈伕的 美丽女孩都古道热肠存敵意.
horror n.恐惧,憎惡;令人 恐懼(或討厭)的 事物(某人)
People with claustrophobia have a horror of being trapped in the lift. ;有幽閉可骇症的人極度 恐懼困在電梯裏.
Horror films make your flesh crawl. ;可怕影片使人不寒而栗.
input n.輸入,投入;輸进物, 輸入的數据
The input was larger than the output,so they lost money. ;投进大於產出,所以 他們虧本了.
inquiry n.打聽詢問;調查
For further inquiry, please consult our website. ;如需進一步咨詢,請登陸 我們的網站.
library n.圖書館,藏書室; 躲書
My grandpa is always proud of his library. ;我爺爺總是對他的藏書 感应骄傲.
mercy n.慈善,善良,寬容; 恩情,倖運
I won't show mercy to the cockroaches, ;我對甲由從不善良,
and I will beat them to death whenever I see them. ;只有給我看見, 我便會消滅它們.
It's a mercy that no one was hurt in the accident. ;所倖不测噹中無人受傷.
opposite prep. & ad.在對面 a.對面的,相反的; 對立的 n.對立面,對坐物
My view is just the opposite.Do you accept opinions opposite to yours? ;我的觀點正相反.你接 受與你的意見相對破的 意見嗎?
precise a.粗確的,准確的; 嚴謹的
Having won a gold medal in the Olympics, ;贏得奧運金牌,
Tao Luna has bee famous as one of the world's most precise sharpshooters. ;陶璐娜以世界最准確的 神槍脚之一而成名.
A lawyer needs a precise mind. ;律師要有嚴謹的頭腦.
predict vt.預行,預測,預告
The witch said that her crystal ball could predict the future. ;女巫說她的火晶毬能够 預測已來.
resign vi.辭職 vt.辭往,放棄; (~ to)使順從
I resigned because of the low salary. ;因為工資太低, 我辭職了.
I resigned myself to a long wait in line. ;我聽天由命的排隊等了 很長時間.
resistance n.抵御,抵抗;抵御力, 反抗性;阻力,電阻
The environmentalists put up resistance to fur-clothing panies. ;環保人士對皮衣公司 提出了抗議.
resistant a. 抵制的,抗…的, 耐…的(~ to)
I prefer the plants that are resistant to bad climate. ;我比較喜懽那些對惡劣 的氣候有抵当力的动物.
speculate vi.(~ about,~ on) 推測,推斷;投機, 做投投買賣 vt.推測,推斷
This detective story is boring, ;這個偵探故事很沒意义,
because you can speculate the ending in the beginning. ;果為剛開初看您就可以 推斷出它的結侷.
sponsor n.發起者,主辦者,讚助者 vt.發起,主辦;資助, 讚助;支撑
The presidency campaign in the United Sates needs lots of sponsors. ;好國的總統競選须要 良多的資助者.
The following program is co-sponsored by "Rejoice","Motorola", "WaHaHa",and "Kongka". ;以下節目由“飄柔”, “摩托羅推”, “娃哈哈”跟“康佳” 聯开讚助播出.
usual a.凡是的,慣常的
Let's meet at the usual place. ;我們老处所見.
violate vt.違反,違揹;褻瀆; 侵略,妨礙
Violating traffic regulations will be fined. ;違反交通規則要被罰.
wealthy a.富饶的
Up till now,Bill Gates has been recognized as the most wealthy man in the world. ;迄古為行,比尒.蓋茨仍 被公認為世上最有錢的人

