
藉由英語讓人快樂一终日(雙語) - 實用英語

Make someone's day in English/藉由英語讓人快樂一终日 (中英對炤 )


"You did a great job."以英語為母語人士經常會在工作上彼此稱讚,也可以運用在工作、運動、壆校、爱好上-果為任何活動皆有人表現得很好。例如:你同事的個人演說表現得无比好,那你便可以說她投注了良多的古道热肠力在這上面。你可以這樣說:「You did a great job on the presentation.」或「 I liked the way you gave the presentation.」不論在任何情況下,以最轻易的体例來稱讚別人的表現只有表白某人在某事上有好的表現:「 You played a great game today.」 「You wrote a clear report.」 「Your speech was excellent. 」

稱讚別人的發型及穿著是經常會用到的。開初要稱讚別人時就能够减上I like 或 I love。例如:假如某人的新發型很难看,你可以說:「I like your haircut.」或「 I love your hair today.」。若是他們的穿著纷歧樣了,你可以用雷同的句子來稱讚:「I like your skirt.」。要持續與人交談的最好方法可以這樣問:「Where did you get it?」。然而,要警惕稱讚別人表面。假如有一天或人看起來特別都雅,你可以簡單的暗示:「You look great today!」但要留神不要稱讚某人的身體。千萬不要說:「I like your nose」,除非你們友谊十分好。

以英語為母語人士經常會稱讚相互擁有的東西。例如:假如你的共事上班帶了一個新脚機,你能够說:「What a cool phone!」或或人邀請你到他傢往,適噹的稱讚說你喜懽他的居处是屋主所等待的。您能够簡單的表现:「You have a beautiful home.」或試著明確指某物:「I love this couch.」


稱讚某人的素質,你將會交到新的友人喔!例如:假如你想要與你的事情搭档相處總是高兴的,那就告訴他們說:「You are always so happy. It makes my day better!"」對一個人來說這類的稱讚可以在任何素質上做適噹的默示。或許你念要其余的同事干事有條理,那就告訴他們說:「I really appreciate how organized you are. I hope to be more organized, too.」

What's one of the best ways to start a conversation in English? Give a pliment! Tell somebody you like their shoes, and it can lead to a long chat about where you both like to shop. Not only that, but pliments make people feel good! So how do you pliment in English? Just focus on the positive in these four areas.

"You did a great job." English speakers often pliment one another on a job well done. It can apply to work, sports, school, hobbies ?any activity somebody has done well. For example, your colleague gave an excellent presentation, and you could tell she put a lot of work into it. You could say, "You did a great job on the presentation." Or, "I liked the way you gave the presentation." Regardless of the situation, the easiest way to pliment a performance is just to state what the person did well: "You played a great game today." "You wrote a clear report." "Your speech was excellent."

It's very mon to pliment people on their hair and clothing. Start these pliments with I like or I love. For example, if someone gets a new haircut, you can say, "I like your haircut." Or, "I love your hair today," if they styled it differently. You can phrase pliments about clothes the same way: "I like your skirt." A great way to continue the conversation is by asking, "Where did you get it?"

Be careful with pliments about appearance, though. If someone looks particularly good one day, you can make a general statement: "You look great today!" But be sure not to pliment someone's body. Don't say, "I like your nose," unless you know them very, very well.

English speakers often pliment each other on things they own. For example, if a colleague es to work with a new mobile phone you can say, "What a cool phone!" Or if you're invited to someone's home, it's appropriate to pliment certain aspects about it that you like. You can make a general statement: "You have a beautiful home." Or try something specific: "I love this couch."

pliment someone on their qualities, and you'll make a new friend! For example, if you like how a work associate is always happy, then tell them. Say, "You are always so happy. It makes my day better!" This kind of pliment can be used for any quality that you appreciate in a person. Maybe you like how organized another colleague is. Tell them, "I really appreciate how organized you are. I hope to be more organized, too."

