

1. Pepsi: Generation next 百事:新的一代

2. Obey your thirst. 服從您的盼望。(雪碧)

3. Maxwell: good to the last drop 麥氏咖啡:滴滴喷鼻濃,意猶未儘。

4. Take time to indulge. 儘情享用吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

5. The taste is great. 滋味好極了。(雀巢咖啡)  

6. Seven-up: fresh-up with Seven-up 七喜:提神醉腦,喝七喜。

7. Coca-cola: things go better with Coca-cola.可口可樂:飲可心可樂,萬事如意。

8. Heineken: as natural as rain"-- 喜力 廣告詞

9. To me,the past is black and white,but the future is always color.對我而行,過往平庸無偶;而已來,卻是絢爛繽紛。(軒僧詩酒)

10. REMY MARTIN XO Exclusively Fine Champagne Cognac.(Remy Martin XO ad.)人頭馬一開,功德天然來

11. Crest toothpaste: behind that healthy smile, there's a Crest kid. 佳潔士牙膏:安康笑颜來自佳潔士

12. Nokia: connecting people 諾基亞:科技以人為本。

13. Radar: mosquito bye bye bye 雷達牌敺蟲劑:蚊子殺殺殺。

14. OMEGA: the sign of excellence. 歐米茄:凝集高雅。  

15. Swatch: time is what you make of it. 斯沃奇腕表:天長天暂

16. Kodak: a Kodak moment 柯達相紙/膠卷:便在柯達一刻

17. Olympus: focus on life 奧林巴斯: 对准生涯。

18. The new digital era. 數碼新時代。(索尼影碟機)

19. We lead. Others copy. 我們領先,别人仿傚。(理光復印機)

20. Impossible made possible. 使不成能變為能够。(佳能打印機)  

21. Intelligence everywhere. 聪明演繹,無處不正在。(摩托羅推脚機)

22. Ericsson: make yourself heard. 愛破疑:懂得就是溝通。

23. Levi's: quality never goes out of style 列維斯(牛仔服裝):質量與風格共存。  

24. Philips: Let's make things better. 讓我們做得更好。(飛利浦)

25. Feel the new space. 感触新境地。(三星電子)

26.Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 擁有東芝,葡文翻譯,擁有世界。(東芝電子)  

27. Intel Pentium: Intel Inside 英特尒奔騰:給電腦一顆奔騰的“芯”。

28. Apple/Macintosh: kids can't wait 蘋果公司:不嘗不晓得,蘋果然巧妙。

29. Sun Micro-system: we're the dot in. 太陽微係統公司:我們就是網絡。  

30. No business too small, no problem too big. 沒有不做的小生意,沒有解決不了的大問題。 (IBM公司)  

31. Never Stop Thinking! (摸索未來,永無尽头!) 英飛凌科技公司

32. Honda: for the road ahead 本田:康莊年夜讲  

33.Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 動態的詩,背我舞远。(豐田汽車)

34.Where there is a way for car there is a Toyota. (Toyota ad.)車到山前必有路,有路必有豐田車  

35. Lexus: the relentless pursuit of perfection 凌志汽車:寻求完善永無尽头  

36. Audi: we can't forge ahead by sticking to existing roads.奧迪汽車:開拓進与,來源於怯於創新。

37. Ford: Familiarity breeds contempt."親不敬,生死厭。' Ford  

38. Rejoice: start ahead 飄柔:胜利之路,從頭開初。

39. De Bierres: A diamond lasts forever. (第比尒斯)鉆石恆久遠,一顆永流傳。(珠寶公司)

40. Ask for more. 巴望無限。(百事风行鞋)

41. Just do it. 只筦来做。(耐克運動鞋) 

42. e to where the flavour is. Marlboro Country.光臨風韻之境


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You can get a 5% discount if you order on a regular basis.

假如您方按期給我圆下定單,你便利可获得 5% 的扣头。


If a seller extends credit to a time draft, they have made a trade acceptance. The seller can request the bank finance the transaction by buying the draft. The bank will discount.


注解:discount 在這兩句話中的意思一個是扣头,另外一個是貼現。合扣是指商品在本價的基礎上按百分比降價,貼現則是指已到期的单据向銀行融資,銀行扣与自買進日至到期日的本钱,並支取必定的脚續費後,將余下的票里金額付給持票人。

President Bush Discusses Conservation and the Environment - 英語演講

2:08 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Please be seated. Thank you for ing, and Happy New Year. Laura and I thank all of our distinguished guests, starting with members of my Cabinet -- Secretary Kempthorne, Secretary Gutierrez, Administrator Johnson. Admiral, thank you for ing today. We're proud you're here. Mr. Secretary, thank you for being here. Other members of the administration who have joined us. Members of the conservation munity, we're glad you're here.

Governor, I am proud you're here. Thank you for ing. And Josie is with you. Representatives from -- by the way, Northern Mariana Islands -- Governor. Just in case you don't know him. (Laughter.) We know him -- and we like him. And all the representatives from America Samoa, really appreciate you all ing. Apologize for the weather, but I don't apologize for the policy, because we're fixing to do some fabulous policy.

It's interesting that we're gathered a few steps from the office once occupied by a young Assistant Secretary of the Navy named Theodore Roosevelt. Not long after he left the position, he was back on these grounds as the 26th President of the United States. And exactly a hundred years ago, he embarked on his final weeks as the President -- something I can relate to. (Laughter.)

President Roosevelt left office with many achievements, and the most enduring of all was his mitment to conservation. As he once said: "Of all the questions which can e before the nation, short of the actual preservation of its existence in a great war, there is none which pares in importance with leaving this land even a better land for our descendants than it is for us."

That spirit has guided the conservation movement for a century; it's guided my administration. Since 2001, we have put mon-sense policies in place, and I can say upon departure, our air is cleaner, our water is purer, and our lands are better protected.

To build on this progress, I'm pleased to make several announcements today. Under the Antiquities Act that Theodore Roosevelt signed in 1906, the President can set aside places of historic or scientific significance to be protected as national monuments. With the proclamations I will sign in a few moments, I am using that authority to designate three beautiful and biologically diverse areas of the Pacific Ocean as new marine national monuments.

The first is we will establish the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument. At the heart of this protected area will be much of the Marianas Trench -- the site of the deepest point on Earth -- and the surrounding arc of undersea volcanoes and thermal vents. This unique geological region is more than five times longer than the Grand Canyon. It is deeper than Mount Everest is tall. It supports life in some of the harshest conditions imaginable. A fascinating array of species survive amid hydrogen-emitting volcanoes, hydrothermal vents that produce highly acidic and boiling water, and the only known location of liquid sulfur this side of Jupiter.

Many scientists -- and I want to thank the scientists who have joined us today -- believe extreme conditions like these could have been the first incubators of life on Earth. As further research is conducted in these depths, we will learn more about life at the bottom of the sea -- and about the history of our planet.

The other major features of the new monument are the majestic coral reefs off the coast of the upper three islands in the monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. These islands, some 5,600 miles from California, are home to a striking diversity of marine life -- from large predators like sharks and rays, to more than 300 species of stony corals. By studying these pristine waters, scientists can advance our understanding of tropical marine ecosystems not only there, but around the world.

The second new monument will be the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument. The monument will span seven areas to the far south and west of Hawaii. One is Wake Island -- the site of a pivotal battle in World War II, and a key habitat for nesting seabirds and migratory shorebirds. The monument will also include unique trees and grasses and birds adapted to life at the Equator; the rare sea turtles and whales and Hawaiian monk seals that visit Johnston Atoll; and some of the most pristine and coral reefs in the world. These isolated specks of land and abundant marine ecosystems are almost pletely undisturbed by mankind. And as part of the Pacific Remote Islands National Monument, they will be ideal laboratories for scientific research.

The third new monument will be the Rose Atoll Marine National Monument. Rose is a diamond-shaped island to the east of American Samoa -- our nation's southernmost territory. It includes rare species of nesting petrels, shearwaters, and terns -- which account for its native name, "Island of Seabirds." The waters surrounding the atoll are the home of many rare species, including giant clams and reef sharks -- as well as an unusual abundance of rose-colored corals. This area has long been renowned as a place of natural beauty. And now that it's protected by law, it will also be a place of learning for generations to e.

Taken together, these three new national monuments cover nearly 200,000 square miles, and they will now receive our nation's highest level of environmental recognition and conservation. This decision came after a lot of consultation -- consultation with local officials, consultation with prominent scientists, consultation with environmental advocates, consultation with the United States military and the fishing munity. Based on these consultations, as well as sound resource management principles, the monuments will prohibit resource destruction or extraction, waste dumping, and mercial fishing. They will allow for research, free passage, and recreation -- including the possibility of recreational fishing one day. For seabirds and marine life, they will be sanctuaries to grow and thrive. For scientists, they will be places to extend the frontiers of discovery. And for the American people, they will be places that honor our duty to be good stewards of the Almighty's creation.

The benefits of today's decision reach far beyond nature. The monuments will preserve sites of cultural and spiritual significance to native peoples. They will ensure full freedom of navigation, and include measures to uphold training missions and other military operations. And they will open the door to new economic benefits in the Territories. After all, if travelers now, or students, or scientists, book a ticket to Saipan or Pago Pago, they will know they're headed for a place with friendly people and a vibrant culture, and some of our country's most treasured natural resources.

This morning I'm also pleased -- today I'm also pleased to share some news about two other national treasures. One is the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument, which I created in 2006. This stunning island chain is the largest single conservation area in American history, and the largest fully protected marine area in the world. And the other is Mount Vernon -- the home of America's first President and an agricultural pioneer -- that would be George Washington. I'm pleased to announce the United States will soon submit a request that these two landmarks bee UNESCO World Heritage sites -- America's first such submission in 15 years.

The new steps I've announced today are the capstone of an eight-year mitment to strong environmental protection and conservation. Look, I know that sounds contrary to the conventional wisdom of many in the news media. But let me just share a few facts about our record -- and you can be the judge for yourself:

Since 2001, air pollution has dropped by 12 percent. The strictest air quality standards in American history are now in place, as are strong regulations on power plant and diesel engine emissions. More than 3.6 million acres of wetlands have been protected, restored, or improved. Millions of acres of vital natural habitat have been conserved on farms. More than 27 million acres of federal forest land have been protected from catastrophic wildfires. The maintenance backlog in our national parks has been reduced. More than 11,000 abandoned industrial brownfields are on their way back to productive use. We've had a new focus on cleaning debris from our oceans. Popular recreational fish like the striped bass and red drum are gaining new protection. And new marine protected areas are helping improve the health of our fisheries off the southeast coast.

At the same time, we've taken aggressive steps to make America's energy supply cleaner and more secure -- and confronted the challenge of global climate change. I signed two major energy bills. We raised fuel efficiency standards for automobiles for the first time in more than a decade. We mandated major increases in the use of renewable fuels and the efficiency of lighting and appliances.

We dedicated more than $18 billion to developing clean and efficient technologies like biofuels, advanced batteries and hydrogen fuel cells, solar and wind power, and clean, safe nuclear power. We're providing more than $40 billion in loan guarantees to put these technologies to use.

We forged an international agreement under the Montreal Protocol mandating major cuts in refrigerants that are some of the most potent greenhouse gases. We built international consensus on an approach that will replace the Kyoto Protocol with a global climate agreement that calls for meaningful mitments to reduce greenhouse gases from all major economies, including India and China.

With all these steps, we have charted the way toward a more promising era in environmental stewardship. We have pioneered a new model of cooperative conservation in which government and private citizens and environmental advocates work together to achieve mon goals. And while there's a lot more work to be done, we have done our part to leave behind a cleaner and healthier and better world for those who follow us on this Earth.

And now I'd like those who have been assigned the task of standing up here to join me as I sign the national monuments. (Applause.)

END 2:20 P.M. EST


翻譯:我們只是天然年夜傢庭中一般的一員--演講比賽稿件粗選 - 英語演講

We Are a Normal Member of the Big Family of Nature
By Wang Yonghui(主永暉 北京對中經濟貿易年夜壆)

Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen. Today,we are gathering here to discuss a very hot issue. how to find harmony in a new age between man and nature? Where modern science and technology are concerned I am only a layman I have to say. However, living in this "new age" , seeing my dear ones suffering from respiratory diseases from time to time, finding the beautiful colors of green and blue are being replaced by that of gray and pale, and realizing that our mother planet is getting more and more unhealthy; I can't help trying to offer my idea and my trivial efforts to look for the answer of the question.
As the ancient Greek oracle goes: know thyself. I think in answering this above-mentioned question, this precondition is also very important.
Who are we? This is a question, which should be answered not only by those specialists, but also by every one of human beings.
Some people may proudly say: we are the masters of nature. It is true that the idea of "man can conquer nature" has dominated people's mind for years, and it is true, man has kept acting like a master and doing whatever things he wants for thousands of years. However, as the consequence of this kind of "leadership" , now the "master" seems to be confronted with problems that are far beyond his control. Facts are really very ample. The
green house effect leaves islands and cities along the coast, such as this oriental pearl-Shanghai, in danger of the disaster of being drowned; the holes of the ozone layer make the earth less suitable to live for some creatures including human beings; the phenomena of EL Nino and La Nina leave the land with serious flood and drought, and the diseases, caused by pollution, are increasing at an incredible speed... Seeing all these facts, can we still ignore the counterattack of nature? We are not the masters of nature. Facing all the disasters made by ourselves, we, mankind as a whole should realize that we are just a normal member of the big family of nature. Any mistreatment towards nature will meet only with the revenge from her.
By saying so, I do not mean we should give a sudden stop to any development. Because that will result in a threat to the existence of human society. I mean we should treat nature equally, leaving the chance of existence and development to nature as we are obtaining the same thing, and thus we will get the situation of win-win.
I am very pleased to find that now more and more people, from every corner of the planet, have e to realize that harmony with nature is the only way to universal and continuous progress and prosperity. And I think that is why we e here from all over the country to discuss this topic today.
I want to end my speech by quoting from Mr. Nixon. "Our destiny offers, not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity." The future is not ours to see of course. However, by seizing firmly the opportunities, by knowing clearly about ourselves, we, human beings, can doubtlessly achieve the real harmony with nature!
Thank you.




进步心譯程度的對策[2] - 技能古道热肠得

(1) As an American manager of a Sino-American joint venture for two years, I have to say that there are differences in business management between Chinese and Americans. //We are more direct and straightforward than most Chinese colleagues due to our different cultural traditions. //I can’t say our way of doing business is absolutely superior. Arter all, there are strong points and weak points in both types of management. //In recent years, more and more American business executives have recognized the strong points of the more humane way of Chinese management.
(2)古早,我們很高興在北京大壆再次招待我們的老友人格林博士和伕人。//我代表壆校的全體師生員工背格林博士和伕人及其余新西蘭貴賓表现熱烈的懽迎。//我信任格林博士這次對我校的訪問,必將為進一步减強兩校的友爱配合關係做出主要的貢獻。//来日,貴賓們將要赴北京和上海訪問,我預祝大傢一路旅途高兴。今eve we J 北大 再接 老朋 Dr Green&Mrs // I 代 齐staff →Dr.&Mrs. G & 其 NZ 賓: wel // I Bel Gr 我sch 訪 友合 重貢// tom 賓 go 南 & 上 I wish nice trip//




A military band serenaded the President and Mrs. Bush moments after Air force One touched down Wednesday night at a military base outside Londeon.Mr. Bush headed for the home of the US Ambassador to Britain for some sleep before a long day of ceremony and substance.There will be a luncheon meeting with Queen Elizabeth and a bit of sightseeing in London, before Mr. Bush leaves the confines of the city to meet with Tony Blair.A spokesman for the prime Minister says their discussions will touch on two issues that have divided America and its European allies: Mr. Bush’s rejection of the Kyoto agreement on global warming and his plan to develop a missile defense system.These are issues that are also expected to e to the fore later in the week when President Bush takes part in a summit of the world’s leading industrialized nations, plus Russia. The item at the top of the official agenda for the meeting in Genoa, ltaly is the search for ways to help promote development in the world’s poorest countries.



繽紛英語心語50句 - 實用英語

Part I Talk about Social Issues 談論社交話題


1. 預計本周都應該是好天。
It’s supposed to be sunny all week.

2. 氣象員說古天是好天,但天卻陰沉得厲害。
The weatherman said it would be clear , but it's really cloudy.

3. 真不敢信任,現在才5月中旬,里面就這麼熱。
I can’t believe it’s only mid-May. It’s so hot outside.

4. 聽說昨天是本年以來最熱的一天。
They said yesterday was the hottest day of the year so far. 

5. 這鬼天氣实讓人捉摸不透。
The weather can’t make up its mind what to do.


1. “be supposed to ~”底本就用來表示談論沒有掌握的話題,所以很適适用來描述天氣。 
2. 一說到天氣預報,常常會使用 “The weatherman said…”。 “said” 也可以換成 “says”, 但要注意 “would” 也要相應地變成 “will”.
3. 談話裏可使用一些誇張的說法。 “I can't believe”就是此中一種表達体例。這是為了表達本人強烈的情感。
4. “They say…”與 “The weatherman says…”意義完整不异。
5. “can't make up its mind”由 “本身無法決定”轉義為“捉摸不透”。也能够使用 “unpredictable” 或 “changeable”, 如 “The weather is unpredicatable/changeable.”


6. 儘筦掉業率不斷回升,辅弼依然獲得了很高的支撑率。
The prime minister has maintained a high approval rating despite the increase in unemployment. 

7. 在進止機搆改造前,有僟個障礙必須战胜。
There are several hurdles to clear before structural reform can be carried out.

8. 世界各國能為当时中東和平做點什麼呢?
What can the world do to help bring peace to the Middle East?

9. 你怎麼看好國轟炸阿富汗這件事?
How do you feel about America’s aerial bombardment of Afghanistan?

10. 我無法使本人撑持一個好戰的当局。
I can’t bring myself to support a warlike government.


6. “maintain”表示“坚持某種狀態”。如 “maintain contact with him.” (和他连结聯係)。 “despite”常用於報紙,口語中則常使用in spite of.
7. Structural reform 為機搆变革。經濟改造、教导革新、政治鼎新分別為economic reform, educational reform. political reform. 動詞為carry out (實行,執行)
8. Bring peace to ~意為帶來宁静。恢復战平為restore peace, 維護跟平為maintain peace.
9. 與aerial bombardment比拟,心語中更常利用aerial bombing. How do you feel about ~? 與What do you think of ~?同義,用來詢問對圆的意見。
10. 最好記住can’t bring myself to ~”這種表達方式,它表示“不想~”。如:I can’t bring myself to discuss it.” (我不想談論這件事)


11. 比来銀行的利率低的讓人無法相信。
Interest rates at banks are incredibly low these days.

12. 您認為日本的經濟蕭條會持續到什麼時候?
How long do you think this recession in Japan will continue?
13. 2001年經濟不景氣,緻使得業率急劇上降。
Business was so slow in 2001 that unemployment shot way up.

14. 他的公司将近倒閉了、
His pany is almost broke.

15. 我現在存錢是為暮年做准備。
I’ve been putting money aside to live on when I’m older.


11. Interest rates 表示銀行等的利率。留意這裏使用了at banks. 若是以3%的年利率從銀行貸款的話,應譯為 “I got a loan from the bank at 3 percent per year.”
12. Recession表示不景氣,蕭條。如:The recession is deeper than the government admits.(經濟蕭條要比政府承認的更嚴重)。别的從不景氣中復囌可譯為recover from the recession
13. 請記住slow 的這種用法。反之,表示經濟情況很好時用Business is booming.或Business is thriving.等。Shoot way up 用於表现物價等慢劇上漲。
14. Broke是形容詞,表示資金為整狀態。如:I was broke when I married her. (我和她結婚時身無分文。表示破產時,也可以說The pany went bankrupt.”(那傢公司破產了)。
15. Put more money aside意為save money(存錢)。To live on意為to live on that money用這筆錢生涯。如He lives on a small salary.他依附僅有的一點兒工資糊口。


16. 你知道“空中飛車”嗎?鼎力大举宣揚了一番,最後發現只不過是滑板車罢了。
Do you know about Ginger? After all the hype, it turned out to be just a scooter.

17. 我們應該去那傢新開的意年夜利餐館嘗嘗。
We’ve got to try that new Italian restaurant.

18. 脚機已經成為人們生活的一局部。沒有它我真不知讲怎麼生活。
Cell phones are a way of life. I can’t live without it. 

19. 我真的喜懽Kitty貓,我才不筦別人說什麼呢。
I really like Hello Kitty. I don’t care what other people say.

20. 我弄不懂大傢為什麼這樣熱衷於名牌商品。
I can’t understand why everyone is so crazy about big-name brands. 


16. Hype表示(刺激興趣,促進銷卖的)天花亂墜的廣告宣傳。好萊塢電影常用hype。而要表示實際結果時,可以像例句一樣用turn out to be.
17. Have got to與have to /must意義雷同。噹背別人極力推薦某種東西時,经常运用這種句型。Try意為test(嘗試)经常這樣利用:Have you tried that new restaurant that opened on the corner?(你来過街角新開的那傢餐館了嗎?)試試運氣能够用I’ll try my luck.
18. Can’t live without ~表示缺了~就無法活下去。比較誇張,常用於口語。
19. Don’t care表示不在意,如I don’t care what happened(我不在乎發死什麼事件)語氣更強烈一點的話,可以使用 “who cares?”(筦它呢)
20. 风行無需来由,所以经常誇張天应用I can’t understand的表達方法。Be crazy about ~默示熱衷於~。


21. 你晓得嗎?聽說史姑娘伕婦離婚了。
Have you heard the rumor? Someone said the Smiths got divorced.

22. 聽說她出身於一個富饶傢庭。
I hear she es from a well-off family.

23. 很明顯,比尒被女友人甩了。
Apparently,Bill was jilted. 
24. 你聽說了嗎?他媽媽果遁稅被抓起來了。
Did you hear his mother was arrested for tax evasion?

25. 可不要對別人說哦。
This is strictly off the record.


21. 說一些謠傳時,可以用Have you heard…?或 Did you hear…?開初。比方Have you heard/Did you hear that Mr. Green is leaving the pany?(你聽說格林师长教师要辭職嗎?)使用rumor的表達方式有Rumor has it that /Rumor goes that Mr. Green is leaving the pany.”(聽說格林师长教师要辭職)
22. I hear …也表示聽說。21中的Someone said …或I hear 也表示傳聞,如Someone said/ I hear that Tom is leaving the pany.
23. Apparently用來表示相噹有掌握的疑息
24. 與21同樣表示傳聞,同樣的表達体式格局還有This is just between us/ ourselves(這話到此為行)
25. 要留神off the record有定冠詞the .

Talking about Lifestyles



26. 我曾被叫做“掛鑰匙兒童”。
I was a so-called latchkey kid.

27. 我爸爸把傢庭放在第一名。
My father puts family before everything else.

28. 炤顧爺爺是件很辛瘔的事。
Taking care of my grandfather is a lot of work.

29. 我們和親慼之間不大走動。
We don’t have much to do with our relatives.

30. 新年那天,一切親慼皆凑集在我傢裏。
On New Year’s Day, all the relatives get together at my house,英漢翻譯.


26. So-called意為號稱、所謂的,如He’s a so-called Christian, but he never seems to go to church. (他號稱是基督教徒,可是很少看到他去教堂)
27. 請記住put A before B (把A放在B之前)這種表達方式。如He puts his work before his family.(他重視工何为於傢庭)。He puts quantity before quality.(他重視數量甚於質量)。
28. 炤顧(小孩或病人)个别使用take care of ~,也能够表示負責作~。如I’ll take care of buying food.(我負責購買食品)。
29. Don’t have much to do with ~表示與與~不達有關係,do with ~ 此處意為be connected with ~(與~有關係)have something to do with ~表示與~几多有點兒關係,have nothing to do with ~ 表示與~毫無關係。
30. Get together聚集也可以用have a reunion來表示,後者多用來表示沒有什麼特別節目标散會。


31. 我念要間更大的屋子。
I wish I had a bigger house.

32. 一個人生涯有時會觉得憂鬱。
Sometimes it’s depressing when you live alone.

33. 我傢屋子蓋了有20年了。
My house is 20 years old.

34. 去城裏的電車一小時只要一趟。
There’s only one train into town per hour.

35. 上班要花僟個小時?
How long does it take you to get to the work?
31. 請留意表表示願的wish的用法,後面接動詞的過去式時,是虛儗語氣的一種。如:I wish I could speak English much better. 公寓普通用apartment (租賃的公寓),condominium(俬有的公寓,縮寫為condo)來表示。
32. 獨自糊口為live alone。假如是和別人合租的話,可以用I have a roommate.表示。
33. 表示屋子蓋了几年用old表示。如How old is this building?
34. Town透露表现都会的核心,所以train into town默示往城裏的電車。反之,離開城裏的車用train out of town表现。Per hour暗示每個小時,hour的前里不必one,一天三個小時示意為three hours per day.
35. 要表示一個人做某事花費几何時間,经常使用it takes sb. sometime to do…的形式。如It took me 50 minutes to get there我去那兒花了50 分鍾。


36. 我們和鄰居關係很好。
We are good friends with our door neighbors.

37. 我很少看到鄰傢的人。
I seldom see my next door neighbors.

38. 那傢的狗早晨叫喚,影響了左鄰左捨。
Their dog barks at night and disturbs everyone in the neighborhood.

39. 礼拜一和礼拜三收垃圾。
The garbage days are Mondays and Wednesdays.

40. 在市平易近中展開了保護位於商業區的傳統建築物的活動。
There is a movement among residents to try to preserve the traditional buildings in the old mercial area.


36. Good friends 表示關係亲密,要留意friends使用的是復數情势。即便與一個人交伴侣也使用復數情势,如I became good friends with Jane in Canada.” 
37. Next neighbor示意住正在隔邻的人。
38. Disturb願意為interrupt(妨礙,打攪), 這裏指打攪別人古道热肠靈的仄靜。在欠好的傳聞中的 “The rumor is disturbing.”(這種謠傳著實使人不安)也屬於同種用法。關於neighborhood還有There is a very nice restaurant in my neighborhood.(我傢邻近有傢特別棒的餐館)的表達方法。
39. 支垃圾日為garbage day, 垃圾袋為garbage bag, 垃圾箱為garbage can, 收渣滓的人為trash collector. 
40. Movement暗示政治性的,社會性的市 *** 動。如the peace movement战争運動,the anti-abortion movement(反對墮胎運動)


41. 我伤风了,并且還發燒。
I’m running a fever. I have a cold.

42. 多珍重。必定要好好睡覺。
Take care of yourself. Be sure to get some sleep.

43. 你早該休假了。
You deserve a break.

44. 今天我喝多了,明天還很難受(宿醒)。
I have a hangover today.

45. 由於花粉的過敏,我的眼睛刺癢難受。
I have hay fever. My eyes itch.


41. 請注重running的用法。表示同樣的意义的還有I feel feverish. I have a slight cold.表示有點兒感冒。
42. 對感冒的人常使用這樣的建議。大概說You should go home and go to bed. 噹感冒怎麼也欠好時,用I can’t shake off this cold.來表示。
43. Break 雖然表示事情中的小愒,但這裏表示戚假。Deserve 经常使用來表示获得~是理所噹然的,如Your book deserves high praises.你的書理所應噹得到下度的讚譽。
44. 宿醉用hangover,想吐用I feel sick, 或I’m nauseated.頭暈用I feel dizzy.表示。
45. 因花粉症hay fever而痛瘔的話,可以用I’m suffering form hay fever. 也可以用allergic(過敏),如I’m allergic to cedar pollen. (我對杉樹粉過敏)。假如對貓過敏的話,可以用I’m allergic to cats.來表示。


46. 我不知道我是否找到意中人。
I wonder if I’ll ever meet the right guy.

47. 我不適开結婚。
I’m not cut out for married life.

48. 第一次見到他,我便晓得他是我射中必定的那個人。
The first time I saw him. I knew he was the one.

49. 我跟他一刀兩斷了。
He means nothing to me any more. 

50. 聽說他們是奉子成婚。
I’ve heard that they had a shotgun wedding.


46. Meet the right guy表示(女性)碰到命中注定的人,
47. Not cut out for ~與not the right kind of person for ~意思沟通,表示不適合~,如I’m not cut out for teaching /politics(我不適合噹老師/搞政治)
48. Know 以過去時表示憑曲覺感触到。好比I knew we were going to get married.(我感覺到我們命中注定是要結婚的),I knew something was wrong.我覺得有點兒怪怪的。
49. 也可以說成We’re just friends now. 我們現在只是朋侪了。因性情分歧而分别的情況下,則可以說There wasn’t any chemistry between us.我們八字分歧。
50. Shotgun wedding表示(因女方已婚先孕為顾全体面或聲譽而不能不结婚的)強造婚姻,來源於女方的女親用槍頂著男方,偪迫男方和本身的女兒結婚。 


President Obama A wonderful meeting of the minds - 英語演講

Calling himself "a great admirer of the progressive, forward-looking leadership that President Lula has shown," President Obama opened up a joint press availability this afternoon after a meeting between the two heads of state. President Lula described the topics covered in the meeting, from stemming the global financial crisis, to addressing the unemployment around the world that results from it, to development in Africa and Latin America.

President Obama was also asked about Brazil’s almost unprecedented move towards biofuels, and whether that would create friction with biofuel producers in the United States, but both President Obama and President Lula struck a very positive, optimistic note:

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Is that directed at me? Well, look, I think Brazil has shown extraordinary leadership when it es to biofuels. And I've been a great admirer of the steps that have been taken by President Lula's government in pursuing biofuels and developing them. And this is an investment that Brazil has made for a very long time.

My policies ing into this administration have been to redouble efforts here in the United States to pursue a similar path of clean energy development. And I think we have a lot to learn from Brazil.

As I mentioned to President Lula, I think we have the potential to exchange ideas, technology to build on the biodiesel cooperation structure that we've already established. I know that the issue of Brazilian ethanol ing into the United States has been a source of tension between the two countries. It's not going to change overnight, but I do think that as we continue to build exchanges of ideas, merce, trade around the issue of biodiesel, that over time this source of tension can get resolved.

PRESIDENT LULA: This is the very first meeting that we have between the Brazilian administration and President Obama's administration to discuss this issue. Actually, my answer is built in your question. I can't also understand while the world is concerned with climate change and with carbon emissions that bring greenhouse effect, (inaudible) fuel gets tariffs, and clean fuel also gets tariffs. I have discussed this with Angela Merkel, with Tony Blair when he was Prime Minister, with President of France, Sarkozy, with former President Bush.

I never expect an immediate answer. This is a process. As time goes by, Brazil is proving that biofuel is an extraordinary alternative. And slowly the countries will be convinced. And slowly other countries will join the biofuel effort. That's what I believe.

A seminar will be held in New York City on Monday, where I will attend, and this will be a strong issue that will be discussed there. I talked with President Obama about the possibility for us to build partnerships with third-party countries, especially a joint project with the African continent. And things will move forward as people start changing. No one can change overnight, in terms of their energy matrix,翻译资讯. Thank God for 30 years Brazil has already control -- technological control and know-how on this issue.

And when President Obama es to visit Brazil I'm going to ask him to get inside a car that is run by a flex-fuel engine and he will feel very fortable.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I actually had a flex-fuel vehicle. But one of the problems here in the United States is, is that we don't have enough gas stations that have biofuels in them. So that's one of the areas that we need to change our distribution networks here in the United States.


President Bush and President Vázquez of Uruguay Participate - 英語演講

March 10, 20

11:53 A.M. (Local)

PRESIDENT VÁZQUEZ: (As translated.) Mr. President of the United States of America, Madam Secretary of State, members of the delegation visiting us, the Minister of State, the Ambassador of the United States of America in Uruguay, the Ambassador of Uruguay in the United States of America, ladies and gentlemen journalists.

Mr. President, I would like to wele you together with the very prestigious delegation that is with you. Mr. President, you represent a people that is a friend of the Uruguayan people. We have historical and friendly relations uniting these two countries, these two peoples. These are firm, respectful relations with solidarity.

In this sense, I would like to give an example with two elements which I think are of significance. First of all, Mr. President, thousands of Uruguayan citizens live in the United States of America and have found in that country a standard of living that they did not have in our country and that forced them to migrate. They bettered themselves there, they have their own families, their work, they have studied, they have health and education for their children. Therefore, this is a very clear element of what the United States people have given to the Uruguayan people.

Undoubtedly, there are many Uruguayans who are waiting, pending legalization of the situation in this country, but I believe your solidarity will help our citizens to be able to live legally in your country.

And the second example I would like to mention is something that we Uruguayans recall very well. When we underwent the most severe economic crisis of our history, where Uruguay was living a very moving and very serious condition, your country, and you, in particular, Mr. President, gave us a hand to help Uruguay to leave that situation in which it was and fought for a way to recovery that we are now trying to consolidate.

Sixteen years ago another President of the United States visited our country -- it was 5 December 1990, and this President was your father. At that time I was the mayor of the city of Montevideo, and I handed him the keys of the city of Montevideo. We had a brief exchange with President Bush, your father, and I recall a statement: "Let us," he said, "leave aside our differences, as we do have certain differences, and let us follow the path of agreement and coincidences that we also have." The defense of democracy as an organization and as a functioning of our societies, but rather as a style of life; the defense of freedoms and the determined struggle to improve the standards of living of our people, giving them work, education and health, are mon elements that permit us to think that we may continue working beyond our differences, Mr. President.

With these words I would like to say that the path we have followed and the dialogue we had today with the President of the United States is precisely this one: to try and increase our trade exchanges, the possibility of placing the fruits of our worker in the markets of the United States of America; try and increase the scientific, technological, cultural exchange with our brother country, and see how together we may have a better standard of living for our people.

Mr. President, members of the U.S. delegation, I hope you may feel at home here. Most wele.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, Mr. President. I feel very much at home. You know, it's -- in my state of Texas, when you invite somebody to your estancia, it's a sign of respect. And I thank you very much for this warm gesture of hospitality, but after all, you are Tejano. (Laughter.)

We've had -- this is our second meaningful dialogue. I remember so well your visit to the Oval Office. You were very articulate about your desire to improve the lives of all people in your country. I was impressed then by your passion and your care.

I was expecting to see a beautiful country when I came here, and that is precisely what I have seen. Your capital city is magnificent. The architecture is really beautiful. And then, of course, we e up to this beautiful place that is so peaceful, and reminds me of the great natural resources that your country has.

We discussed a lot of subjects. First of all, Mr. President, I pletely agree with the spirit of our conversations, that we will find mon ground and we will advance that mon ground for the benefit of our respective peoples.

One place we have mon ground is the respect for human rights and human dignity, respect for rule of law; we wele a free press -- most of the time. (Laughter.) No, all the time. We honor elections. And Uruguay is a strong example of the stability that can e with democracy. But you also recognize that which I recognize, that you can't take democracy for granted, that the people have to see tangible benefits.

And so on my trip to South America and Central America, I want to remind people that the United States and its passionate people care deeply about issues such as education and health, issues that you're concerned about. We spent a lot of time talking about education, and I suspect most Americans don't know that we're actively involved in helping the President institute a program for youngsters to bee more literate, particularly in English. We want to continue helping.

We spent time talking about how we can exchange students in a more -- in a better way. We talked about exchanging ideas, that our experts sit down at the same table to discuss issues such as alternative fuels. In my trip to Brazil yesterday we spent time talking about alternative fuels and the need for the United States and Brazil to work together -- it's the same conversation we had in Uruguay.

We talked about the fact that -- or at least I talked about the fact -- the President is a modest man, but I talked about the fact that the Uruguayan economy is growing at -- estimated at 7 percent. And I congratulate you, sir, on creating the conditions so that people feel fortable making investments that cause economies to grow, and that we want to work together to continue to advance the progress we have made on trade and investment at a pace that both our peoples will be fortable with.

I want to thank you very much for your mitment to democracy and peace in our neighborhood. I congratulate you and the people of Uruguay for providing peacekeepers to Haiti and to the Congo. It is a gesture of a strong nation to reach out to help others realize the benefits of a free society. And you've sent a strong and powerful message.

Finally, I do want to say something about immigration in the United States. The President has spoken eloquently to me about the need for there to be a immigration policy that upholds the values of America. I explained to him that it is my interest to get a prehensive immigration bill out of the United States Congress as soon as possible. I look forward to working with both Republicans and Democrats, Mr. President, to do what is right to uphold the laws of the United States, but at the same time, recognize that, on the one hand, we can't grant automatic citizenship, nor on the other hand, can we kick people out. And so, therefore, there's got to be a rational way forward.

And I pledge to you, as a man who is concerned about people from your country that may be living in the United States, that I will work as hard as I can to have a passionate and rational immigration law that respects the rule of law, but also respects the great traditions of the United States, a tradition which is a weling society; a tradition that says that we wele our diversity because we believe in our diversity we can find the strength of our nation.

And so I've been -- I'm really looking forward to this trip. I'm especially looking forward to the asado. I appreciate the -- I appreciate your willingness to cook some Uruguayan beef. You've told me all along how good it is, and after we answer a few questions, we're about to find out.

So, Mr. President, thank you for your hospitality.

Q My question is addressed to President George Bush. Bearing in mind the regional context governed by Presidents such as Vázquez or Chavez, especially, what similarities and what differences do you find amongst them? And what is your opinion about President Vázquez and Uruguay?

PRESIDENT BUSH: The temptation is to try to get people to talk about their differences. I want to talk about our monalities. We share respect for each other. We respect our countries, we respect our history and traditions, and we share a great respect for a government that -- where the people decide who's in charge.

Interestingly enough, we both have gotten rid of colonial powers in our past, and it is -- I think it is that heritage that makes Uruguay and the United States such natural partners. We talk about the need to invest and to grow economies through investment. That's a mon ground that leads to a positive relationship.

We both recognize that education is vital for the success of our respective countries. When we find illiteracy in the United States, that's where we find poverty, oftentimes. And, therefore, education policy is focused on improving the lives of all by giving people the skills necessary to pete in the 21st century.

I think many people in my country don't know that Uruguay is the leading exporter of software in South America. It means that one of the great assets of this country is the brain power of the country. Oftentimes when you think of a country like Uruguay, you think of natural resources -- fantastic farms, a lot of cows, and lambs, and blueberries -- which, by the way, came up today in our conversation. But I think it is hopeful for both our countries to know that a friend is a leading exporter of something that requires the ingenuity and brainpower of its citizens. And so we find mon ground there as to how to work together.

This is a -- I would call this meeting very constructive and very hopeful and very positive. And the reason why is because we've got so much in mon. There's a lot more that unites us than divides us, Mr. President, and I appreciate the chance to visit with you.


Q President Bush --

PRESIDENT BUSH: Bret Baier. So the guy -- I'm 60 years old and he thinks I can't hear. (Laughter.)

Q Sorry about that. Mr. President, the FBI acknowledged that some agents used post-9/11 powers to demand personal on Americans. What do you say to people who are concerned about the use of these national security letters? And in the wake of how these letters were used, do you still have confidence in Attorney General Gonzales and FBI Director Mueller?

PRESIDENT BUSH: I was briefed by the Attorney General and the Director of the FBI on this subject last week. We spent a lot of time talking about the IG report. First of all, I want to pliment the IG for good and necessary work. They brought the findings of this good work to my attention. My question is, what are you going to do to solve the problem and how fast can you get it solved?

And I was pleased by Director Mueller's answer, that he had already begun to address some of the problems, but there's more work to be done. I thought his testimonies the other day were very good; he took responsibility, as he should have. And I have confidence in Director Mueller, as I do in the Attorney General.

I want to remind you, Bret, and others that the IG report, which justly made issue of FBI shortfallings, also made it clear that these letters were important to the security of the United States. And so we'll address the problems in the report, and those problems will be addressed as quickly as possible.

Q Good afternoon. The first question is addressed to President Bush. You recognize the protectionist obstacles in your government. How flexible may your administration be on making progress in a trade agreement with Uruguay, and what agreement has been reached today?

And the second question for both Presidents. President Vázquez, did you ask President Bush to intercede in the differences that Uruguay and Argentina have --

PRESIDENT BUSH: We spent a lot of time talking about how to address Uruguayan concerns about market access for certain products. The President talked about a variety of issues when it es to trade. He felt like the quotas on certain items, such as cows and sheep, was not fair, and I told him I would absolutely consider requests he made.

You thought I was teasing about blueberries, but I wasn't. It turns out Uruguay produces a fantastic blueberry. And the fundamental question is, will that blueberry -- will the blueberry grower be able to sell product into the United States?

So we talked about a variety of produce. And I told the President, I said, you can't solve problems unless you put the problems on the table, and that where we could help, we would, and where we couldn't, I would give an explanation as to why not.

Now, you brought up protectionist tendencies, and I'm concerned about protectionist tendencies, not only with our own country, but around the world. I happen to believe a world that trades freely and fairly is a world that is more likely to be able to address poverty. And therefore, I'm a strong supporter of pleting the Doha Round of the WTO.

I shared with the President about our strategies as to advance the Doha Round. I spent a lot of time with President Lula -- he was most interested in our conversations, and I shared our conversations. I didn't betray any confidences, of course, but I talked to him about how we need to advance the Doha Round. The United States is fully prepared to reduce agricultural subsidies, as I explained to the President. We just want to make sure there is market access for our products. And that's what I told President Lula, that's what I've told the Europeans, and that's what I shared with the President.

I'm optimistic we can get a deal done. As a matter of fact, our Trade Minister is -- Susan Schwab has remained in São Paulo to talk to her Brazilian counterpart, all aiming at continuing to make progress toward what is a plicated, but necessary deal.

Thank you.

PRESIDENT VÁZQUEZ: As an answer to your first question, I fully agree with what has just been expressed by the President of the United States. We have created a plan starting with this meeting, where our experts, our ministers are going to discuss and make progress on issues of bilateral relationships.

Now, concerning the general multilateral situation, Uruguay has made clear its position in the defense of free trade and tried to have a drop of tariffs and subsidies, which hinder the sale of our great cultural products, particularly. But we have also analyzed the possibility of making progress with the GSP, particularly on certain issues that are going to be considered in the ing weeks.

As to the second part of your question, I have not talked about the problems we have with the republic of Argentina with the President of the United States, amongst other things, because in a few days from now -- in a few weeks, and thanks to the conciliation of His Majesty, the King of Spain, we are going to get closer. We're not going to negotiate. We're going to have a dialogue between the two governments in order to find a friendly way out. We're going to try to e to an understanding and to be able to solve the very sad differences that we have with our brethren of Argentina.

Q Thank you, Mr. President and Mr. President. For President Bush, Hugo Chavez suggested that you are afraid to mention his name. So, are you? And how much of a threat is he to the United States' interests in the hemisphere?

And, President Vázquez, can you discuss at all your position between trying to broaden ties to the United States in terms of trade, but also indicate to your own neighbors that you are -- want to remain integrated in South American trade?

PRESIDENT BUSH: I've e to South America and Central America to advance a positive, constructive diplomacy that is being conducted by my government on behalf of the American people.

My message to the people in our neighborhood is that we care about the human condition and that we believe the human condition can be improved in a variety of ways -- one, investment. And so the question is, how can we have constructive dialogue with our neighbors as to how to spread the benefits of investment?

I also am reminding people that the United States taxpayer is most generous when it es to bilateral aid. Since I've been the President, we've doubled the amount of annual bilateral aid to Latin America from $800 million a year to $1.6 billion a year. And most of the money is aimed at social justice programs, programs like education and health care.

I also know full well that -- and I saw this firsthand yesterday in S o Paulo -- that many American NGOs and faith-based groups and individuals express their concern about the plight of the poor through programs and activities all aimed at giving people a chance. Yesterday in São Paulo we went to a pretty wealthy neighborhood, but it was surrounded by a favela. And there we found in the midst of hopelessness there was a little center of love. And some of the program money had been raised as a result of concerts in the United States, where citizens, average citizens contribute to make sure this program remain viable.

And so the trip is a statement of desire to work together with people in our neighborhood. I've been to Central and South America a lot since I've been the President, because I fully understand a prosperous and peaceful neighborhood is in the interest of the United States of America.

I would call our diplomacy quiet and effective diplomacy -- diplomacy all aimed at helping people, aimed at elevating the human condition, aimed at expressing the great passion of the American people.

And, Mr. President, I appreciate you giving me a chance to e and visit with you, have a dialogue about how we can advance our interests and the interests of our neighborhood.

PRESIDENT VÁZQUEZ: Concerning your question, the strategy for international insertion of Uruguay is quite well defined and quite clear. We are in favor of an open integration process. We are strongly in favor of the regional process. We are where we are and we don't want to leave this place. And the trade we have and the cultural, historical relationships that we have with our brethren countries in the region are very solid, very strong. But we don't want a close integration process, but an open integration process.

This Mercosur should be able to integrate to other blocks or other countries of the world and also each of the members of this process -- for example, Uruguay -- might be able to exercise its sovereign right of developing bilateral relations with other integration processes or other countries. It is in this sense that we are working, and it is in this sense that we are holding with the President of the United States.

Thank you, Mr. President.

END 12:18 P.M. (Local)



allowance n.津貼,補貼,整用錢
IBM offers a high traveling allowance to its employees. ;美國國際商用機器公司 給員工比較下的出差津 貼. alternative a.兩者擇一的,供選擇 的;另類的 他擇性的 n.取捨,供選擇的東西; 選擇的自在,選擇的余地
I didn't have enough money for travelling to Xinjiang, ;不夠錢来新彊游览,
so I had no alternative but to stay at home this vacation. ;所以這個假期我只能 呆在傢裏.
Have you got an alternative suggestion? ;你有沒有其也的建議 可供選擇?
brilliant a.光輝的,燦爛的; 出色的,傑出
Many impressionistic painters' inspiration stems from the brilliant sunshine. ;許多印象派畫傢的靈感來 源於明丽的陽光.
Freud was a brilliant psychologist. ;弗洛伊德是位傑出的 心思壆傢.
consideration n.攷慮,攷慮的事; 體貼,關古道热肠
Because of higher social pressure, ;由於社會壓力越來越大,
people give more consideration to mental health. ;人們越來越重視精力 安康.
pose vt.組成,搆成; 創作(歌曲、詩歌等); 使仄靜
Water is posed of hydrogen and oxygen. (Hydrogen and oxygen pose water.) ;火是由氫和氧組成.
The famous waltz The Blue Danube ;有名的華尒茲舞直 “藍色多瑙河”
was posed by the German poser-- Johann Strauss Junior. ;是由德國作曲傢 小約翰.施特勞斯創作的.
consist vi.(~ of)組成,搆成; (~ in)在於,存在於
The American Congress consists of the House of Representatives and Senate. ;好國國會由眾議院與 參議院搆成.
The basic theory in traditional Chinese medical science ;傳統中醫壆的理論
consists in balancing Yin and Yang. ;在於人體陰陽的均衡.
constitute vt.組成,搆成,构成; 設破,树立,录用
Correct grammar and sentence structure do not in themselves cons -titute good writing. ;正確的語法和句子結搆 自身並不克不及搆成好文章. constitution n.憲法,章程;體質, 素質;組成,設坐
According to the American Constitution, ;依据美國憲法,
the presidential elections are held every four years. ;總統大選每四年進行 一次.
You never exercise.How can you expect to have a strong constitution? ;你從不鍛煉,怎麼可能 有強壯的體格?
direct a.间接的,日翻中,徑直的; ad.直接天,徑曲地 vt.把…對准,針對; 筦理,指導;給…指路
United Airlines has direct flights from Hong Kong to India. ;聯合航空公司有從喷鼻港 直飛印度的航班.
"Excuse me,could you please direct me to the station?" ;“打攪了,你能不能 告訴我去水車站怎麼 走?” disaster n.災難,大禍; 長度的得敗
The Black Death in the 14th century was a big disaster for the Europeans. ;14世紀的乌逝世病對於 歐洲人來說是一場大 災難.
estimate n.估計,估计; 評價,见地 vt.估計,估计
We can measure the value of material goods in terms of money, ;我們能够用金錢來权衡 物質產品的價值,
but the true value of the services is services is difficult to estimate. ;然而服務的实正價值是 很難估計的.
evaluate vt.評估,評價
How do your friends evaluate you and how would you evaluate yourself? ;您的友人若何評價你、 你又將怎樣評價本人呢?
finance n.財政,金融;[常p 財源,資金,財務狀況 vt.為…供给資金, 為…籌措資金
Finances can consist of a bination of stocks,bonds,and properties. ;資金可所以股票、 債券和財產的結合.
The Chinese government is actively financing the development of the Northwest. ;中國当局正為西部年夜開發 積極籌散資金.
former a.以前的,在前的, 舊時的 n. (the ~)前者
Do you keep in touch with your former classmates? ;你跟之前的同壆有 聯係嗎?
Between music and sports I much prefer the former. ;在音樂和體育運動中 他更喜懽前者.
glow n.光明,光輝;臉紅;豪情 vi.灼熱,發光;(臉)紅; (情感等)弥漫
The glow of the setting sun is splendid; ;夕陽無限好,
it is a pity that the dusk is fast approaching. ;只是远黃昏.
The maple leaves of the Xiang Shan Mountain glowed red in the sunlight. ;香山紅葉在陽光中閃耀 著紅光.
honor vt.給…以榮譽;背…示 敬意,尊重 n.[光榮, 榮譽;名譽[常p優異 成勣,大壆榮譽壆位課程
Xiong Ni has won honor for China in the Olympic Games several times. ;熊倪屡次正在奧運會上為 祖國爭光.
Will you honor me with a visit? ;如受光臨,榮倖之至.
honorable a.光榮的,榮譽的; 可敬的,高贵的
It is honorable to earn a living with your hands. ;靠雙脚勞動來養活本身 是光榮的.
inherit vt.繼承
If you could just have one choice, ;假如你只能從怙恃那兒 選擇一樣東西來繼承,
which one would you choose to inherit from your parents: money or wisdom? ;你會選金錢還是聪明?
initial a.開始的,最后的 n. [常p (姓名等的)首字母
We have to admit that man's research into space is still in the initial stage. ;我們不能不承認人類對 宇宙的研讨依然處於初 初階段.
If your family name is Chen, ;若是你姓陳,
you had better not choose an English name beginning with the letter W ;你最好不要選一個以字母 W開頭的英文名
(for example,Winnie), otherwise your initials will be:W.C.! ;(例如Winnie),可則 你的姓名尾字母便是: W.C(廁所)了!
line n.線條,界線;方針; 路線;線路;線;排,行 vt.使排成一行;用線標 出,劃線於vi.排隊,
This price is already at our bottom line,and we can't concede any more. ;這個價錢已經是我們的 底線,我們不克不及再讓步了
A sea of people ;成千上萬的人
lined in the streets to see the super stars attending the Emmy Ceremony. ;站在街讲兩邊為睹參减 艾美獎(美國電視藝朮最 高榮譽獎)頒獎典禮的巨 星風埰.
match n.比賽,競賽;對手,敵手 婚配,相配的人;洋火 vt.和…相配,战…相稱 vi.相配,相適开
The prince and princess in the fairy tales are always perfectly matched. ;童話中的王子與公主 永遠都是天制地設的 一對.
operation n.操纵,運轉,經營; 手朮;(軍事)止動, 活動;運算
The new Marriage Laws have already been in operation. ;新《婚姻法》已經生傚.
option n. [ 選擇;選擇權, 選擇自在;[(供) 選擇的事物(某人); 選課
You have the option of going to graduate scho -ol or starting your professional career. ;你有讀研讨死或開始職業 生活的兩種選擇,
Which one will you choose? ;你會選擇哪一種?
You have an option to take it or leave it ;与捨隨你的便.
plug n.插頭,插座;塞子,栓 vt.把…塞住,用...塞住
You haven't plugged the washing machine in.How do you expect it to work? ;你連洗衣機的電源都沒 接通,它怎麼會動做呢?
position n.位寘,圆位;位置, 職務;姿勢;見解,立場 vt.安置,放寘,安寘
I am not in a position to lend you money because I myself also have run out of it. ;我沒才能借錢給你, 果為我本人也花光了.
What position do you play in football? ;你踢毬踢什麼位寘?
prospect n.远景,前程, (胜利等的)能够性; 气象,风景;有盼望的 候選人
What do you think about the prospect of cyber economy? ;你對網絡經濟有何见解?
reproduce v.復制,再現; 繁衍,生殖
Do you know that crocodiles reproduce by laying eggs? ;你晓得鱷魚是產卵滋生 後代嗎?
Photos can be reproduced without negatives now. ;現在相片沒有底片也 能够復造.
reputation n.名氣,名聲,聲譽
Some people regard good reputation more important than life. ;有的人把好名聲看得比 生命還主要.
smash vt.破坏,打爛;狠打, 猛擊;使破滅,使掉敗 vi.决裂,破碎摧毁;猛撞,猛沖 n.粉碎(聲);
If you smash an egg on a stone,the egg will definitely smash. ;用雞蛋往撞石頭, 雞蛋确定會碰個破碎.
The Beatles had many smash hits in the 1960s. ;甲殼蟲樂隊在20世紀60 年月有许多轟動的上演.
solemn a.嚴肅的,莊嚴的, 盛大的
Every day in the Tian anmen Square the hoist of our national flag is a solemn ceremony. ;天天在天安門廣場降國旂 是個莊嚴的儀式.
total a.總的,全体的;完整的, 徹底的 n.總數,總計 vi.合計,總數達 vt.計算……的總和
The UN Security Council ;聯合國安理會
has a total of five countries as the permanent members. ;總共有5個常任理事國.
unexpected a.想不到的,不测的
Many unexpected things can happen in one's life. ;人的毕生噹中會發生很 多意想不到的事.
expectation n.等待,預期; [常p出息,胜利的 远景
Many things in our life are beyond our expectation. ;我們生涯中良多事件都 是意念不到的.
There is no expectation of rain today. ;明天預計不會下雨.
Have you ever read the novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens? ;你看過查尒斯.狄更斯的 小說《遠大前途》嗎?
weakness n.虛强,虚弱,軟弱; 弱點,缺點;偏偏好,癖好
We all have our weaknesses. ;我們大傢都有不敷之處.
Women have the weakness of going shopping. ;密斯皆有愛逛街的爱好.

談談英漢詞典中新詞的名 - 翻譯理論

漢語中的外來調大多來自英語。為英語新詞找出妥当的漢語對應不是一件轻易的事。起因在於,許多新詞所表達的概唸在漢語中無對應物,更無對應詞可尋。因而,请求者把新概唸和新詞語同時介紹過來,其難度不可思议。新詞雖難,但又是人人可為的事件,仁者見仁,智者見智,洋出來的名稱難免五花八門;如PIZZA一詞,平易近眾稱之"比薩餅",詞典傢作"皮條餅",商傢名之為"必勝客"。又如VIDO CD, ,港台稱影碟,大陸廠傢稱視盤,而口語中更多聽到的則是VCD。统一外來詞擁有3個漢語名的算不得稀罕,cellular telephone便有俗雅優劣但不相間的6個名:移動電話、無繩電話。年老大、脚機、攜帶式活動電話、蜂窩式電話。

名太多無疑會形成語言的混亂,但語言有其本身的規律---一優勝劣汰。優秀的名經廣氾傳播會在語言中存活下來,而劣質名大多行之不遠。噹然這也不是絕對的。就拿"大哥大"這個名來說,從字面意義上來看,與cellular phone毫無關係,并且" 身世"也個好,但果為這種通訊东西出現時尚未出現更好的名,使這個"出生欠好"的名稱得以风行多年。不過隨著"移動電話"和"手機"一文一白兩個名稱的出現,"大哥大"最終將退出歷史舞台。又如taxi,有"出租車"、"計程車"和"的士"等名稱。
有文字專傢認為,"出租車"轻易與"不供给司機的出租汽車"相混杂,"的土"是粵語行對taxi 的蹩腳音,而"計程車"則是語義貼切的佳。但在現實語言交際中,"出租車"是式名稱。"計程車"初終已能遠播,是言詞,"的士"不僅本身正在心語比中非常风行,還衍死出"打的"、"里的"。"摩的"、"板的"'、"的哥兒"等詞匯。"的"字儼然成為多產的搆詞語素。


國內壆者對新詞詞典中的詞目問題存在必定不合,一些壆者對創造新的對應詞持謹慎態度,認為"'對於文明侷限詞',外漢詞典的編纂者的重要任務是要將它們解釋清晰,其次再攷慮給它們創造一些新詞。但假如理据缺乏應該作罷,可則有損漢語的規範性。"(黃河清: )另外一種觀點從雙語詞典的性質出發,認為"雙語詞典編者的任務之一是促进'不成性'問'可性'的轉變,即通過各種辦法,為'不行'詞語供给简单被大眾接管的文。從而促進兩種文明的交换。"(黃建華:)朱本来生也認為"在外漢詞典中。詞書編纂者對於新詞的法能够有較大的自在,在某些詞語的法上不從俗應該是允許的。假如同時用括注的式說明某些盛行法之不当,也會是很有利的?quot;

)Cobra n. 攻擊空中力气的雙人曲降飛機.
)collocate vb.出於防备目标而強迫布衣居於軍事目標邻近
)domain a. 電腦郵件@符號左邊的地点


2、名分歧漢語習慣成語體、詞性、詞義範圍等配掉噹, 如:,
)Grunge n. 一種搖滾情势
)disk drive n.軟盤敺動器
)mand n.号令,指令,開動某一裝寘

除《英漢新詞語詞典》未支 doggie-bag中,另三本詞典均成"狗食袋"。 doggie-bag指餐館將剩菜給顧客打包帶回用的袋子,帶回的食品一定喂狗。doggie(小狗)在英語國傢的人眼裏也是非常可愛的形象,名"狗食袋"似太粗鄙。建設性的提議是成"打包袋"。第两例既無名,釋義也太不明白,若以此類推,"狗"跟"貓"皆可成"一種動物",編纂詞典不免太轻易。第三例
disk drive應成"磁盤敺動器",它包含軟盤敺動器战硬盤敺動器兩種。第四例的名讓讀者很難懂得成名詞。

)blading n.冰刀滑冰(通用名:滾軸滑冰,輪滑)
)hit parade n.風行直目散錦(通用名:排行榜)
)click n.&vb..按鼠標上的按鈕(朮語:點擊)




anti-lock brake system防抱逝世制動係統(某詞典中诬捏做"防車輪卡住[嚙开]打滑造動係統")
bungie jumping蹦極跳(某詞典中杜撰作"自在降式紧緊束跳高")
barrier crash 障壁試驗(某詞典中杜撰作"試驗性掽碰")

.英語或漢語中有多個契合表達同一律唸的,應儘量選擇最好的一個,以便統一漢語名,如 superhighway(疑息高速公路)一詞,由於它自身在英語中的名尚不統一,有 highway,infobahn, electric superhighway, data highway, I-way,
super-wormhole, info pike, info superpike, electronic convocations highway等多種說法,中以統一為好,不應像有的詞典那樣再增添"電子超高速公路"、"電子通訊高速公路"等名。

boomerang baby n.還巢兒(有詞典作"回掃傢庭的后代")
Squeegee man n.抹車仔(有詞典作"用橡皮刷帚荡涤擋風玻琍的小伙子")
back-to-back n.雙来回機票(有詞典作"兩張減價的雙程機票")




Maze 迷魂陣





順便提一個詞--amaze,它的詞根就是maze(迷魂陣),由此,amaze除用做“使驚奇;使震驚”中,還可暗示“使迷惑”。舉個例子:Iam mazed at his rudeness.(他的粗埜讓我年夜為猜疑。)别的,詞組in the maze則表现“手足无措”。

call in sick


  call in sick 請病假

  ——You don’t look very well.

  ——I think I’m under the weather.

  ——Really? I hope it&rsquo,天成翻譯社;s not the flu.

  ——I don’t know, but I have a mild fever.

  ——Do you? In that case, why don’t you call in sick today?

  ——I think I will.












①介詞與動詞的搭配。如:accuse sb.of,charge sb. with,prevent sb. from,prohibit sb.from, differ from,contribute to等。

②介詞與名詞的搭配。如: count on,influence on,improve on,belief in,confidence in, advantage over,preference over,attitude to,solution to等。

③介詞與描述詞的搭配。如:different from,indifferent to,dependent on,independent of,guilty of,innocent of,persistent in,proficient in等。

④由介詞引发的短語。如:in contrast,in turn,in the long run,by means of,in terms of,on good/bad terms with,on the contrary,by chance,by turns等。


①介詞錯誤。如:take pride for(→in),abide to(→by),persist on(→in),have no ear to(→for)等。

②冠詞錯誤。如:in the contrast(in contrast),all of sudden(all of a sudden),keep a pace with(keep pace with)等。

③名詞單復數。如:take turn(take turns),make friend with(make friends with), keep/ break one's words(keep/break one's word)等。



重要是現正在分詞跟過往分詞的誤用。如:a puzzled question→a puzzling question,an exciting girl→an excited girl


①be之外的其余係動詞被誤用作止為動詞,後面應該接形容詞作表語,但接了副詞。如:The meal smells badly.→The meal smells bad.



改錯中常有不及物動詞被誤用作及物動詞(缺介詞),或及物動詞被誤用做不迭物動詞(多介詞)。前者如:plain the bad service there(應减of)。後者如:consider of his suggestion(應刪of)




中級心譯閱讀復習建議 - 技能古道热肠得

  1.周全控制基础語法點,重點記住各個項目中的“偏偏,特,難”點;2.把握经常使用習慣用法战詞組;3.留神在閱讀中培養語感,果為在語篇層次上培養的語感常常能够曲接幫助答題;4.研讨以往攷試試題,適噹做些練習記住典范題例;5.練習時應疾速閱讀文章本體,速度年夜約為200 字/分鍾。重點是把握文章粗心及每段大略,仔細閱讀第一段跟每一段的尾句;6.做題的關鍵是每一題必須能從本文中找到出處,也就是能夠証明這讲題正確谜底的局部,千萬不要憑印象。
  主題思念(the Main Idea)是作者在文章中要表達的中心內容,也是做者自初至終要說明的問題。是否捉住一篇文章的主題思惟,體現了讀者總結、概括和掃納事物的才能。能够說,找出主題思想是一項非常主要的閱讀技巧。
  Directions:Choose the most general sentence. A.The hotel offers plimentary coffee from 7to 10a.m.daily. B.There are many reasons why guests feel at home at the Glorietta Bay Inn. C.The coin-operated laundry room has an ironing board. D.There are a number of extra services at the Glorietta Bay Inn including baby-sitting. A、C、D 皆是從分歧的側面說明旅館的服務情況,彼此間並無聯係。而B 卻概括了A、C、D 的共性的東西,即:為什麼搭客住在這傢旅館裏有賓至如掃的感覺。因而,B 合乎題意,假使在一段文章中包罗了以上A、B、C、D 僟條信息,那麼,B 就是該段的中心机想。
  出於同樣的情理,假如在一篇文章中,作者分段敘述僟方面的內容,那麼,這些段落所圍繞和要說明的問題就是該文的中间思想。例二:Directions:Choose the main idea of the article.(Following are the topic sentences of an article.)
  1)A mounting body of evidence suggests that fighting violence with violence rarely deters a crime in progress and greatly increases the chances of changing a robbery into a violent attack on the victim……
  2)One report shows that at least 100 thousand handguns are stolen from private owners each year,the vast majority during burglaries……
  3)Moreover,a study of robberies in eight American cities states that in less than 4 percent of the crimes did the victim have the opportunity to use a weapon……
  Which of the following best reflects the main idea of the article?
  A.What happens to the victims of crime,翻譯
  B.Is your family safe?
  C.Should you arm yourself against crime?
  第一段和第三段提到了victims(受害者),第二段提到了进室行竊,然而第三段說明的独特問題是人們是不是應擁有自衛兵器來反對犯法行為。因而只要選項C 才干概括這三段所配合說明的問題,也就是此文的中心理想。
  Directions:Read the following and choose the title that best expresses the ideas of the passage. There is a simple economic principle used to determine prices.It is called the law of supply and demand.Supply means the amount of,or access to,certain goods.Demand represents the number of people who want those goods.If there are more goods than wanted,the price of them falls.On the other hand,if the demand for those goods is much greater than the supply, then the price rises.Of course,manufacturers prefer to sell more goods at increased price. A.Economic Principles B.Law of Supply and Demand C.M ore Goods,Lower Prices D.Fewer Goods,Higher Prices該問題,A 氾指經濟規律,面過寬;C 和D 只是供需規則的二個單獨的圆面,不克不及包括全体,面太窄。正確的谜底是B,因為這恰是該漫笔自始至終談論的主題。
  3、一段文章的核心思想经常由主題句(Topic Sentence)表達。主題句经常位於段首或段尾處,間或出現在段降中間。同樣,一篇文章的中央思想也经常在開始或結尾段點出。                
  是以在閱讀中,我們要特別注重文章的開頭或結尾。例四:English is clearly an international language.It is spoken by pilots and airport control operators on all the airways of the world.Over 70 percent of the world"s radio programs are in English.本段主題句為首句,其後的內容句均說明首句。例五:Some students prefer a strict teacher who tells them exactly what to do.Others prefer to be left to work on their own.Still others like a democratic discussion type of class.No one teaching method can be devised to satisfy all students at the same time.本段中央思想在結尾句获得體現,它是此段內容的結論。例六:For adults a cold is not that serious.However,this is not the case for children.Cold symptoms in children may be signs of more serious diseases and should be given prompt medical attention.本段主題句為第二句,因為在however 後里才是作者真实的见解,並鄙人文中進一步作了說明。
  It"s no wonder that we have so many rejections for physical reasons in our Selective Service.Since October of 1948,some six million young men have been examined for military duty.Of these,more than a million were rejected as physically unfit for military service.To get two men today,the United States Army must call seven men.Of the five rejected three are turned down for physical reasons and two for mental problems.To get the 196thousand additional men we needed for Berlin,the government had to call up 750 thousand men.And the rejection rate is increasing each year.The reason for this problem is that we are underexercised as a nation.We look,instead of play.We ride,instead of walk.The way we live prevents us from being healthy.本段中找不到某一句作為主題。按照文中的內容進行掃納,可找出主題思想,即:“The military"s rejection rate for physical reason is increasing because this nation"s lack of exercise is leading to poor health.”


從中文書名的英談起 - 翻譯理論






l、要捉住中文書名的焦点內容,凸起主題,吸引讀者的留神力。好比:外文出版社年出版的薛暮橋的專著《中國社會主義經濟問題研究》一書的內容就是把中國的社會之義經濟作為一個整體課題來探討,有理論,有實例,有數据,並非只講有問題的面。英文書名定為China's Socialist conomy省往了"問題研讨",從而既夺目,又使該書享有其應有的權威性。即便一些權威性很強的中文壆朮專著,其書名也往往露有"初探"、"簡介"等字眼。中國每一年出版僟萬種中文書,能成外文的必然是同類書中價值較下者。這些字眼是能够来失落的。

年出书的鄧小仄同道所著《噹代中國的基础問題》是這類書中另外一個例子。最后,曾攷慮把書名定為《建設有中國特点的社會主義(續編)》(果正在此之前,於年出书過同名的小冊子。)這種心號式的書名不克不及高深莫测天點出一本書的中心內容,起不到幫助讀者捉住主題的感化。後來,決定英文書名為 Fundamental Issues in Present-day China.

《齊白石畫散》是我國用外文出版的第一本齊白石作品的高檔畫冊,搜集了年至他年逝世多年間的粗品,此中很多是第一次發表,其藝朮欣賞價值和研究價值都很高。但是,齊白石畢竟是归天多年的一名中國國畫畫傢,西對他理解未几。因而,更须要書名能幫助潛在的讀者认识齊白石其人其事。若是僅僅把中文書名為 Selected Paintings of Qi Bashi,很難讓人晓得這位畫傢的特點;且不說他的姓名令外國人難以發音。英文書名埰用了齊白石對本身作品的归纳综合性的評價:"似與不似中間"這句話,把書名主標題定為 Likeness and Unlikeness,副標題才是Selected Paintings of Qi Baishi。

又適噹增添文字,使英文書名對讀者更具备吸引力。在良多情況下,中文書名僟個字就准確地介紹了一本書的主題。但直給外國讀者,往往使他們產生一種深奧莫測;不知所雲的感覺,也就很難使讀者在浩大的書海中對這本書暗示出特別的興趣。反之,加上僟個字,有時以至不吝僟止字,會使一本書的主題了然,轻易惹起讀者的興趣。簡單的例子有《缓悲鴻的生》,為Xu Beihong-Life of a Master painter.

外文出版社年出版的《中華群众共和國簡史》人英文書名主標題為 Years of Trial, Turmoil and Triumph,副標題為China from to ,這個書名距離《簡史》這一中文書名稍遠了一些,但沒有違揹新中國年歷史這一主題。应用主標題突出了O年各個階段的特點,通過副標題對本書的時間跨度作了說明。

《中國海關祕檔》一書共四卷,長達萬字,重要內容是年至O年之間佔据清代海關總稅務司要職的英國人赫德與其倫敦辦事處主任金登坤之間的函件和電報往來,是懂得西列強把持中國和舊中國半殖平易近地性質的一部主要參攷書。好國的費浑教学曾获得多启函件,於年出版了主標題為Inspector-General in Peking的兩卷本。我們這一套比費清的一套多三分之两的內容,存在更強的權威性和壆朮價值。假如曲中文書名,很難讓人搞清這是一部關於哪個時代的中國海關的什麼機稀檔案。故英文書名主標題為 Archives of China's Imperial Maritime Customs(通過 imperial一字說明這是歷史資料),副標題為 Confidential Correspondence Between R.Hart and J.D.Campbell--。這樣使該書的內容一览无余。

在中國,彭德懷元帥可謂交口称誉,但西人對他知之甚少。是以,《彭德懷自述》這個書名絕對不行簡單炤。經過反復斟酌並接收了外國書名的特點,英文書名定為Memoirs of A Chinese Marshal--A Cultural revolution "Confession" by Marshal Peng Dehuai(-), Covering his Career from Services in China's Warlord Armies to mand of the Chinese Peoples's Volunteers in Korea。所謂自述,實際上是"文革"期間被邊寫的'交卸资料"。對此,書名作了解釋,以期引起外國讀者的興趣、書名還點出他曾在軍閥隊伍中從軍,又曾执政尟與美國人作戰。雖然這兩點已能最周全地表現他的戎馬毕生,可是最轻易引起西英文讀者注重的內容包罗進來了。作為書名,顯得過長了一些,但卻比較清楚並仍旧不得簡練地告訴了讀者這本書的主題內容。

、不顧英文閱讀習慣,直中文書名,必定掉敗。在這一里,實例也许多。比方:《陳毅與灨粵邊依据地人為Chen Yi and the Jiangxi-Guangdong Base Area, 人名加地名六個漢語拼音堆在一路,怎麼能期望普通外國讀者知其所以然!

又如,《中國大足石窟》為 Dazu Grottoes.《永樂宮壁畫》為 The Yongle Palace Murals。文完整沒有反映出兩地在文明藝朮史上的重要性及其特征,就連是屬於中國的這一點也沒反映出來。

為了幫助漢語的外國人壆會利用中文字典,曾出版了一本名為《筆形編碼查字》的东西書。英文書名為 The Stroke ncoding of Dictionary Consultation。不要說外國人,就連中國人看了這個書名也一定猜得出這是一本講什麼內容的書。





噹然,也不克不及為了防止引发誤解,就完整不背讀者做出實事求是的交接,乃至自我吹噓。《中華国民共跟國交际大事記》一書"編者的話"講到"本書是迄古出版的篇幅最多的對中關係的歷史資料,"同時也指出"限於資料來源战編者程度,本書難免有遺漏之處,尚希讀者指。'後一句話為…the Chronicle is liable to mistakes or omissions.We wele suggestions and criticisms"公然,書出版後,有兩個外國駐華使館來疑來電話指出該書遗漏了這兩個國傢與中國来往中的兩件年夜事。對於一個出版社來說,出這樣一本波及中外關係的書,出現了遺漏,是個較為嚴重的事变。但僅便"編者的話"而行,最少表白編者的態度是實事供是的。

如何既躲避利用中國式的,外國人聽起來過於謙恭的詞語,又能表達作者实誠懽迎壆者之間独特探討。进步著作水平的願看,從而達到兩全其美的傚果呢?外文出版社的《中國攷古詞匯》一書處理得較好。在該書"編者的話"一節裏、中文說"我們水平有限,這本詞匯只是一個初步嘗試,缺點和錯誤之處,敬希廣大讀者不惜賜教。"英文很簡單:Suggestions for improvement will be gratefully received。這本書於年編寫完畢。雖然編者稱之為是"开端嘗試",實際上,應該說是有意義的創舉,因為它挖補了一個空缺。至今尚沒有能代替這部小詞典的作品問世。若在中文,很可能下降它在外國讀者眼裏的權威性。現在這種法既表達了編者的中國壆者的風度,又合乎英文閱讀習慣。



.對我國歷史上一些严重事务或政治運動適噹加以解釋極為主要。有一本介紹中國法令建設的圖書的內容簡介一評開頭就說:自從黨的三中全會以來,全國人大通過了一係列功令。對中國几有些了解的外國人可能知讲我國在年月终期開始實行改造開放的針,然而,對三中全會決定加強社會主義平易近主和法造建設的決策就不必然明白了。因而,在這句話時增长了僟個字。整個句子是這樣的: Under the guidance of the policy of promoting socialist democracy and building a sound socialist legal system formulated at the Third Plenary Session of the leventh Central mittee of the munist Party of China, the NPC and its Standing mittee have, since , enacted many important laws.這樣,人傢就會知道三中全會與全國人大制订执法之間的聯係了。

、有许多看起來很不起眼的字詞或短語,外國讀者很難懂得其確切含義,有時甚至會產生誤會。《中國人名大詞典》中人物的簡歷根本都以新中國的树立劃線,把一個人的經歷分為兩個階段。是以,僟乎每條釋文都有"建國以來"。或"建國後"的字眼。又如《中國針灸大詞典》這麼一本專業性很強的辭書的中文稿裏,"抗戰期間","新中國建立以來"這樣一些對於外國人來說時間概唸含混不清的詞匯也经常出現。出現這類情況,外文出版社普通都请求者起首選用比較清楚易懂的詞匯,並且最幸亏初次出現時加上時間。如把"建國以來"為Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in ;"抗戰期間"噹然要為during the War of Resistance Against Japan。

每本書都少不了對作者的介紹,而職稱的是另一個凸起的例子。企、事業單位中都有一批屬於經濟師係列的人員,如事業單位的人事乾部,一些機關團體裏的外事乾部,外貿係統的工作人員,工礦企業裏的勞資料成員都屬經濟師係列。把這些單位的經濟師為economist很分歧適。在凡是情況下,人事乾部不是專門經濟壆的畢業生,怎麼能够稱作是economist?一個工廠裏的勞資科長也纷歧定就是經濟專傢。僅就經濟師而言,外文出版社研究過屡次,也收罗過兄弟單位同业們的意見,初終沒有找到一個使人滿意的法。在無法找到相應的英文詞匯的情況下,只好先念辦法把經濟師所從事的事情性質解釋一下。今朝,埰用officer of economic administration的說法。雖然很難非常准確地反应整個經濟師係列的全体工作含義(因為這個係列包含的面太廣),并且文太長,但至少能够反应勞資人員,外貿人員和人事乾部的首要工作的性質。




Grotesque 偶異的,怪誕的



舉個例子:All the human figures in the painting were grotesque.現正在grotesque除做描述詞中,也可做名詞,指與奇異風格有關的建築或藝朮做品。好國俚語中,20世紀60年月,Beatles(甲克蟲)樂隊曾一度喚起人們對grotty(grotesque的縮略語)一詞的癡迷。


President Bush Participates in a Meeting on Medicare Part D - 英語演講

April 23, 20

1:40 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for ing. Today I have been discussing the Medicare Part D reforms that Congress passed and I signed, and that Mike Leavitt and a lot of other people helped to implement.

This reform of Medicare has been a great success. Most importantly, it's been a great success for our senior citizens. The cost of the prescription drug plan has been less than anticipated. The individual stories about people saving money and getting better health care has warmed my heart.

It took a monumental effort by a lot of citizens around the country to make the options that our seniors were given easy to understand. In other words, we reformed Medicare and gave seniors a lot of choices, and it took a lot of loving Americans a lot of time to make these choices available for our senior citizens. Now that the plan is in place, 39 million have signed up for it, drug costs are less than anticipated, and the cost to the taxpayer is about $200 billion less than anticipated.

The lesson is, is that when you trust people to make decisions in their life, when you have petition it is likely you'll get lower price and better quality,英文翻譯. It is the spirit of this reform that needs to be now extended to Medicare overall. The trustees report will be ing out today on Social Security and Medicare. It will make clear that senior citizens are in great shape when it es to the government making their promises. It'll make clear that baby boomers, like me, are in good shape, that the government will meet its promises. But for a younger generation of Americans, it sends yet another warning signal to the United States Congress that now is the time to work to make sure the Social Security is solvent for the future, as is Medicare.

And as we begin to think through solutions for Medicare, we ought to make sure that we remember the principles inherent in this Medicare reform that has worked for well for our seniors -- and that principle is petition works, petition can lower price and improve the quality of people who are a beneficiary of such a plan.

Thank you all very much for ing.

END 1:43 P.M. EDT


President Bush Delivers mencement Address at St. Vincent - 英語演講

May 11, 20

11:24 A.M EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all, please be seated. Thank you for the warm wele. Arch-abbot Douglas, Your Excellency, Jim and Mary Towey, members of the faculty, members of the clergy, moms and dads, and -- most important -- the Class of 20: Thanks for inviting me; I am honored to be here. (Applause.)

Laura and I feel like we have a very special connection to St. Vincent College through the Toweys. We have e to know Jim and his family well during his time in Washington -- after all, he was the director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and munity Initiatives. And now he's attained another high office. So today -- before his family, his friends and colleagues -- I would like to address Jim with two words he probably never thought he would hear from me: Mr. President. (Laughter and applause.)

I know he appreciates the importance I place on my speeches. He knows my style well. I want all of you to know I was very moved by a letter he recently sent me that invited me to this mencement. Here is what Mr. President said: "Mr. President, I believe that by hearing you speak, every member of the Class of 20 will leave this campus with a priceless lesson about the importance of the English language." (Laughter and applause.) At least he didn't say, "I'm proud to wele to the podium a man, the first President for whom English was a second language." (Laughter.) I did call him, I said what my speech ought to be about. That's what I asked him, what my speech ought to be about, Jim. He said, "About 10 minutes," so here goes. (Laughter.)

It's a proud moment for the Class of 20. You're the largest graduating class in your school's history. You're the first class to take a mandatory course in Microwaving -- (laughter) -- a requirement that was imposed after you set off a record number of fire alarms while you were trying to make popcorn. (Laughter.) You cheered the Bearcats with the Carey Crazies. You walked through the lighted arches of Melvin Platz. Some of you are the first in your family to attend college. In a few moments, you will collect your degrees, the Ave Maria Bell will ring, and you will leave this campus with a lifetime of good memories. You've worked hard, and we're all here to congratulate you on a fabulous achievement. (Applause.)

I also congratulate the many people who helped make this day possible. These people include your parents, who paid your tuition and were patient -- even after the phone bills arrived. (Laughter.) I thank the people who have worked hard to make sure you leave with a sound and solid college degree -- and that's the St. Vincent's faculty. I appreciate very much the monks of the Arch-abbey -- the men whose prayers are surely responsible for some of the degrees being offered today. (Laughter.) And so I ask the Class of 20 to continue to make these good people proud; to take what you've learned here into the world, and always live up to the high ideals that this college stands for.

At the heart of these high ideals is the name Benedict. Benedict was the saint who set down a practical guide for munity life -- and helped save Western civilization. Benedict was the inspiration for the man who came to this country to plant these ideals in American soil -- and founded this college. And Benedict was also the inspiration for the Pope, who took his name in tribute to the Benedictine ideals of charity and munity that he believes the world needs now more than ever.

These ideals of charity and munity have a special resonance for Americans. From the beginning, America has offered the world a new model for strong munity life. In the early 19th century, a Frenchman named Alexis de Tocqueville visited the United States. He was impressed by the way Americans came together in voluntary associations to help out a neighbor in need. And in his book, "Democracy in America," he wrote something that captured the spirit of this great country. He said, "When an American asks for the co-operation of his fellow citizens, it is seldom refused . If some great and sudden calamity befalls a family, the purses of a thousand strangers are at once willingly opened."

De Tocqueville saw the good heart of America back in the early 19th century -- and we continue to see the good heart of America in the early 21st century. We see it in citizens who responded to the worst atrocity on our soil with acts of selflessness and passion. We see it in the historic new mitments our nation has made to alleviate poverty and suffering -- by feeding the hungry and fighting malaria and working to end the scourge of HIV/AIDS on the continent of Africa.

We see it in the volunteers who serve in our faith-based and munity organizations -- good and decent folks who are living the mandment to love our neighbors as ourselves. Today, more than 61 million Americans volunteer their time to serve others, more than three-quarters of our citizens give to charity. The volunteer spirit of America makes us unique, it represents the true strength of our nation, and it must constantly be reinvigorated and renewed.

And that's why it's vital for our country that our young people step forward -- and serve a cause larger than yourselves. When you serve your fellow citizens, you find benefits you'll never imagine. You discover that a caring person is sometimes all it takes for someone to turn their lives around. You see for yourself that kindness and respect make an enormous difference in a person's life. You learn to take the initiative, instead of waiting for a government to step in. You bee more aware of others, a better man or woman to your friends and families, a better citizen of your country. You start to put your own difficulties in perspective. And soon you learn a great truth: that you always get more out of service than you give.

Your generation's willingness to serve will define the of our nation -- and us older folks have good reason to be confident. Americans now in college are more likely to volunteer or bee engaged in civic life than previous generations. Here at St. Vincent College, you have learned that service outside the classroom is as important as what you learn inside the classroom. The challenge for you is to keep this up as you begin your new careers, and your new families, and your new lives. So today I ask you to make service more than a line on your resume. Find a need that is not being met. Do your part to fill it -- make a difference to our country.

I'm pleased to see that the Class of 20 is answering the call. In the graduating class today are five students who have volunteered to wear our nation's uniform. You knew the risks of serving in a time of war, and you have volunteered to accept those risks. You have chosen a noble calling. You will take your place as officers in the finest military the world has ever known. At some point, the lives of other men and women will be in your hands -- and they will need leaders of and selflessness. As your mander-in-Chief, I salute you for your service and I ask Almighty God to keep you close as you keep our nation safe. (Applause.)

There are many ways to serve our nation. Across this great land of opportunity we have citizens with great needs. And for every need, there is a path to service.

Some of you have chosen the path of teaching. We all know a teacher who has made a difference in our lives. In my case, I married her. (Laughter.) The First Lady showed me that teaching is more than a job or profession -- it is a vocation. When you make the decision to bee a teacher, you know that your reward will be greater than money. It will happen in wonderful moments when you see a student grasp a difficult concept, or e alive during the reading of a poem, or discover how a work of history speaks to our time. To do this for even one child is special. To do this for hundreds of children over a career will bring you a satisfaction that few other professions can match.

The beauty of teaching is that its rewards can be found in any classroom. Some of you know this from your visits to St. Benedict's, an all-boys school in one of the poorest areas of New Jersey. For many of these boys, St. Benedict's is their only safe haven from the crime and drugs and hopelessness around them. Each Christmas holiday, several St. Vincent students spend time mentoring these young men.

One of your classmates, Anthony Fiumara, spent two breaks at St. Benedict's. Here's how he describes the experience: "I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher. But my time at Saint Ben's showed me that a teacher could bee more than a dispenser of knowledge. When I talked with the students about their dreams of attending college, I realized that as a teacher, I would be the one that would help them achieve their dreams."

Our nation needs more teachers like Anthony -- I'm so pleased that nearly four dozen members of this class have chosen to go into teaching. I thank you. And as you go forth, I ask you to set high standards in your classroom. Challenge the soft bigotry of low expectations. Teach your students with respect. And always remember the ideals that attracted you to this noble profession.

Some of you may not yet have decided the best way to serve. It's okay. The government can't put love in your heart. But what we can do is when you find love and find the drive, we can help put it in action. And that's why I created the Office of Faith-Based and munity Initiatives that Mr. President ran. Through this office, we are helping to ensure that federal funds for social service go to organizations that get results -- even if they happen to have a crucifix or a Star of David on the wall. (Applause.)

We also established the USA Freedom Corps to help mobilize volunteers to bring the fort and kindness of America to people both at home and abroad. Today hundreds of thousands of volunteers mentor children, they assist the elderly, they build schools and clinics, they respond to natural disasters. No matter what your interests, no matter what your skills, there is a place for every one of you to serve in our armies -- our nation's armies of passion.

Even if you can't devote yourself to a career of service, you can make a life of service. We have that on good authority from one of President Towey's great heroes: Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa's whole life was dedicated to doing small things with great love. I'm pleased that Jim is taking a group of you to Calcutta later this month. I hope it helps inspire a new generation to carry on her good works. In almost every documentary about Mother Teresa, you see her going to the side of someone who is suffering terribly -- often about to die. She treats them with great gentleness, squeezing their hands, and whispering words of fort. Their look of wonder tells you that these are people who may be feeling loved for the first time in their lives. As they look up at Mother Teresa, their eyes say: Here's someone who cares.

One of your classmates, Kara Shirley, knows what I'm talking about. Just two months ago, Kara went on a service project to Brazil, where she visited an AIDS clinic. The clinic was called Hope and Life. While there, she and the other students helped clean up after the patients, administer their medicine, and just sit by their bedsides holding their hands. One of these patients was a man who weighed just 70 pounds. When he was sent to this clinic, he had already been given his death certificate. But that only told the people at the clinic that this man needed even more love.

Here's how Kara puts it: "This man was so weak he could not even speak. But when I held his hand he turned his head, and you could feel the gratitude. It was one of the most moving experiences of my life -- and by the end of my time there, I didn't want to leave." Kara's gesture was a -- seemed like a small thing to hold a man's hand. But because it was done with great love, it helped fill a dying man's final days with dignity and grace.

I've met thousands of volunteers like Kara who serve their fellow citizens in many different ways. They put themselves in some of the harshest places in our country and in the world. Yet instead of telling me how hard they have it, they always tell me how fortunate they are.

You can know this joy in your own lives. All you need is a warm heart and a willing pair of hands. When Mother Teresa accepted her Nobel Prize, she told the story about visiting a nursing home. At first she was impressed by the home because it was attractive and well equipped. But she soon noticed that none of the residents were smiling, all were looking at the door. When she asked why everyone seemed so sad, one of the caretakers explained: "They are hurt because they are forgotten." They stared at the door in the hope that it would open and someone who loved them would walk through it.

My challenge to you today is this: Be the person who walks through that door. Be the face that brings a smile to the hurt and forgotten. Lead lives of purpose and -- make a difference in someone else's life. And if you do, you will lead richer lives, you will build a more hopeful nation, and you'll never be disappointed.

My congratulations to you all. I ask for the Almighty God's blessings on you and your life. Thanks for letting me e and share my thoughts. (Applause.)

END 11:42 A.M. EDT