
研讨:多吃杏仁能抵抗病毒侵进 - 實用英語

24EN Editor's Note:According to the Daily Telegraph, a new study has revealed that eating almonds can help the body to fight off viral infections such as the mon cold and flu.

The scientists, who are based at the Institute of Food Research in Norwich and the Policlinico Universitario (University Hospital)in Messina, Italy, said they found almond skins improved the ability of the white blood cells to detect viruses while also increasing the body's ability to prevent viruses from replicating and so spreading inside the body.

据英國《逐日電訊報》,一項最新研究發現,吃杏仁能够幫助人體抵御一般伤风跟流感病毒的进侵。來自諾維偶食物研讨所战意年夜利莫西拿大壆醫 壆院的研讨人員稱,他們發現食用杏仁皮能进步人體白血細胞的活性和檢測病毒的才能,從而减強人體抵御病毒的才能,避免病毒正在人體內的復造和傳播。

They also said that although more research has to be carried out to determine how much almond should be eaten for an effect to be reached, it is likely that eating almonds regularly could help protect people from being infected with viruses in the first place, while it could also help those already infected to fight off their illness.

They tested the immune response to infection by the Herpes Simplex Virus 2, which can cause cold sores and is a notoriously difficult virus to treat due to its ability to evade the immune system by dampening down the body's inflammatory response.

They found that almond skin extracts were effective against even this virus. The researchers say they are still to identify exactly what it is in almond skins that cause the antiviral activity, but they believe it could be due to pounds known as polyphones.
他發現杏仁皮裏里的提与物也具備抗病毒傚果。 研究人員稱他們仍须要確定杏仁皮裏何種成份激發抗病毒活性,韓文翻譯,然而他們認為多是由於多酚類身分使杏仁皮存在抗病毒能力。

